Do you want to grow your Instagram following and build a loyal following? Then look no more! I was able to groworganically from 0 to 25,000 in my first five months on Instagram, and up to 45,000 within next 7 months.
How I Got Started
A year back, I decided to concentrate less on Facebook and switched to Instagram. Little did I know this small change inmy free time was going to change my entire life and turn into a business.
I noticed every time I was on Facebook, I was getting upset, angry and frustrated. Politics was the main focus ofeveryone’s posts and people were losing it. Family members were fighting with each other, and it was a nasty place to be.
I went on my personal Instagram page and only followed accounts that inspired me and left me feeling positive andmotivated. Most of them were motivational quotes pages and it quickly became part of my daily dose of inspiration alongwith my cup of coffee in the morning.
I needed out
Around 4 years back I started my own business after completing 15 years in corporate job and my new business came up with its share of insecurity. So my safe, cushy corporate job instantly turned into a space of opportunity and unpredictability as well.
That’s when the panic attacks began. It felt like I was having a heart attack, but after a full cardiac workup, the doctor told me it was stress and anxiety manifesting in my body physically.
After implementing every coping mechanism I could including exercise, meditation, journaling and finally anxiety meds. I knew I couldn’t keep going on like this, and I needed out.
I began hearing more and more business and motivational podcast and seeing other people who are building businesses on Instagram. It intrigued me.
But who was I? A nobody. No one would be interested in hearing what I had to say or post. Outside of my corporate career title and being new to business, I had no identity. Hell, I had no hobbies. No interests. No talents. How pathetic, right?
After wallowing in self pity, something came over me that made me more determined as ever. I was going to get out of my corporate style hell! I sat down and made a list of anything I was passionate about and good at. The list had 2 things on it.
Law of attraction
Well now I felt even more pathetic. After wallowing once again in self pity, I realized 2 things were better than nothing. Later that night while putting my work on rest, I went on to Instagram and started my personnel page @umeshnair4u.
The start of my Instagram following
Before starting my current personnel page I had another page and as most of us I also fell into the same whole of Instagram to increase my followers fast and easy by buying followers. Though I wasn't getting as much as views as it needs to due to known reasons, but I was happy to see the number of followers. And eventually the day came when my account got blocked because I wasn't using the service properly. But It gave me the most important thing which I needed and that is experience. And I started my new page @umeshnair4u where I began posting from the heart all of the motivational, inspiring things that had helped me through the previous few months. Creativity poured out of me into my posts.
I had expected that if I posted everyday, I could gain 1,000 that first year.
But then something happened.
I gained 1,000 followers that first month!
How could this be? Were people actually resonating with my posts? I began making it my mission to help others that were going through the same stress and anxiety I was. Together, we would overcome this.
I had no idea what I was doing. But I think that worked to my advantage. I wasn’t following anyone’s lead or jumping on the latest posting fad. I was simply posting from the heart letting my passion guide me and aimed to serve others through my posts.
My following kept growing exponentially, and next thing I knew I was connecting with other like minded people and companies. I was introduced to a whole new world of creators and entrepreneurs that were creating their own paths.
Over the next 1 years, this page grew into a business with online marketing, a podcast, affiliate marketing and a membership site.
The best part is that it all happened organically. I didn’t pay for followers. No trying to trick the Instagram algorithm, and no sketchy schemes.
I was onto something. Here’s what I gathered over the next 1 years.
There are 3 fundamentals to having a successful Instagram account:
There are 3 fundamentals to having a successful Instagram following:
Post valuable content – post from the heart about something that sets your soul on fire. What energizes you and makes you come alive? When we share what lights us up, we light up the people around us.
Be consistent – show up every day. Period. There’s no need to post 5 times a day and let Instagram consume your life, but you need to post on a consistent basis with a consistent theme. If you don’t show up, people won’t show up for you. And if you aren’t consistent with your core message, you’ll leave your followers confused and uninterested.
Engagement – Instagram is a SOCIAL media app. So be SOCIAL! Get to know people. Comment on their posts. Ask questions. Strike up a conversation. Let people see the real you. Be relatable. It will build trusting relationships with your followers that will convert into paying customers or clients.
If you approach Instagram authentically with those 3 things, you WILL gain a loyal following. Be genuine. Serve others.
I have a ton of step by step tips I have implemented in my page to rank higher and gain more followers, and I’m sharing all of my best kept secrets through my Instagram regularly and through my BLOG
In these workshops I will give you everything you need to skyrocket your Instagram growth and engagement immediately!
It’s packed with actionable steps you can implement in real time during the workshop.
It’s packed with valuable, practical content. There’s no fluff whatsoever! Just the info you need to grow on Instagram.
What does the workshop cover?
How to attract followers within 5 seconds
Leveraging your competitors to tap into your market
Make your profile aesthetically pleasing and welcoming
Become searchable and rank at the top
Build trust and credible instantly
Successfully warm leads and convert them into customers
Use IG stories and IG live to build raving fans
The formula for successful captions that convert
What NOT to do
Plus tips on posting, scheduling, taking photos and more!
I’ve seen a ton of Instagram courses filled with fluff, weak on actionable content and priced at $200+! No thank you. You can get all your questioned answered by me and I will make sure to guide you in best possible way.
If you are serious about growing your Instagram account and building a business from your phone, then take action now.
Ideas that aren’t acted on are just that…ideas. Turn those ideas into reality by taking action now!
We live in the most incredible time where technology has made it possible to build a global business from our phones and make a living doing what we love.
I am proof that anyone at any point in their life can become an influencer using social media and help countless people all over the world.
Join the workshop today and tag me on Instagram @umeshnair4u, so I can support you on this amazing journey.
I’ll see you inside the workshop!
Happy Manifesting,
Umesh Nair